There are certain breeds that seem to have a tendency to epilepsy. Some of the breeds that seem to have a higher risk of the school, poodles and German shepherds. However, it can occur in any breed and mixed breeds as can occur at any age, but it's usually young to middle aged dogs that acquire this condition.
Epileptic seizures or suit is often described as the uncontrolled release of electrical discharge in the brain. This causes the animal to shake, tremble and salivate. Sometimes uncontrolled urination and cleaning going on. After several episodes of the owner will begin to understand and learn some trigger factors that relate to their pet.
In most cases the episodes do not last very long, usually over before you can take. There are a number of drugs on the market today that can help to attack less and less serious.
Here are some suggestions of things one can do for their dogs, if you have epilepsy, dog:
A person should learn everything you can about canine epilepsy. There are many good and useful books on the subject. You can search the internet for websites related to this condition in dogs. There are support groups and web May there be local support groups in your area. These things will help pet owners understand the disease and to give them a support system to rely on.
To record all the
Keep a diary or journal on your dog or any seizure episode that you thought was a seizure. Make sure to record the date, time started and finished. Write down your symptoms and any factors you think have run the May episode. These factors may include changes in diet dog, any loud noises and the dog seemed stressed. If the dog is sick or injured recently, be sure to include it in your diary as well. Try to include as much detail as possible, because the records may have clues as to allow it to be ready next time.
Pay special attention to the dog's behavior before the attack. Write down things such as the animal began to pace, was sleeping excessively or to be more needy than usual. If you have other animals in the household would be sure to pay attention to their reactions to the episode. Pets are often a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and some animals can be able to signal when the attack will soon begin.
Be prepared
Set up a routine to follow when you subtract must be prepared to visit an emergency clinic in the middle of the night. Make sure there is always fuel in the car and supplies handy, such as towels or blankets. Keep the phone numbers of your veterinarian and Animal Emergency Hospital at hand at all times. If your pet has a seizure to be sure to keep away from other pets and remove any objects that might injure your dog.
With the drug dog with epilepsy can still live a normal life. Dogs with epilepsy dog can live a happy and fulfilled life. They can go for walks, playing in the park and do almost anything a dog can be healthy.
If you are in compliance with the provision of necessary daily medications, and your dog seen regularly by your veterinarian will be many years ahead of you to enjoy your canine companion. You might want to consider getting your dog in the event that any unforeseen medical costs in years to come. This will give your family peace of mind knowing that you will be able to provide medical assistance when necessary.